Accessory Signage Graphic Design
I was tasked with designing and laying out different “kit” sizes for Advance Auto in-store accessory signage.
I don’t have the final files from this job since the layouts were handed over to the client so their translator could flow in Spanish (noted by “SP_”), and their designer could add icons that had not been finalized. But it stills serves as an excellent example of doing a lot of work in an efficient and accurate way.
To make things easier, I laid out the signs using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet combined with the Datamerge tool in InDesign. The spreadsheet included the names of product categories, vector logos, photos, headlines, and body copy.
In addition to some prep work on the product photos, I created one Illustrator file with all of the brand logos set on seperate (and named) artboards. This allowed me to chose an output option that created separate Illustrator files for each logo once all of the brands had been ironed out. One click saved me from creating over 40 separate files manually.